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Planting Guide

1. Dig a hole, wider than seems necessary, so the roots can grow outward without crowding. Remove any grass within a 4-foot circular area. To aid root growth, turn soil in an area up to 3 feet in diameter. The hole should be a minimum of 2 feet deep and 3 feet in diameter.

2. Bareroot Trees of Montana has already prepared your trees by carefully untangling the roots and soaking the roots in water for 3 to 6 hours. Do not allow the roots to dry out before the trees are planted.

3. Plant the tree at the same depth it stood in the nursery, with plenty of room for the roots. Partially fill the hole, firming the soil around the lower roots. Do not add soil amendments such as peat or bark. Do not use fertilizer, potting soil, or chemicals on your new trees.

4. Shovel in the remaining soil. It should be firmly but not tightly packed. Construct a water-holding basin around the tree. Give the tree plenty of water. To ensure the tree is planted correctly the water will pool and air bubbles should stop coming up from the soil. 

5. After the water has soaked in, spread protective mulch two inches deep in a 3-foot diameter area around the base of the tree, but not touching the trunk.

6. The soil and mulch around your trees should be kept moist but not soggy. During dry weather, generously water the tree every 3 to 5 days during the first year. Water slowly at the dripline.

More tips for healthy trees

Planting Location: To give your trees the best start, we recommend planting in a protected area with worked-up soil and water source close for best results a 3/4 main line with drip emitters, we can help with that (link to website with links to recommended venders) 
Carefully Separate Your Trees: If there are multiple trees in your package, all trees will be labeled, remove the plastic bag around the roots  holding your trees together. Separate your trees, carefully untangling the roots.

Depth and Distance of Holes: keep in mind how large the tree you purchased will get space your holes appropriately holes should be 3 feet in diameter and a min of 2 foot deep backfilling hole to set proper height of tree ( most trees are planted too deep ) follow the tree trunk down till you find the first root barry that root .5 inch below soil hight see picture.

Watering: Keeping your baby trees watered is important during their first year. Keep the soil and mulch moist but not soggy. In dry weather, you should water generously every 3 to 5 days. The water should soak into the soil and mulch. Avoid watering so much that you see standing water.

Protection: We recommend putting a fence (such as chicken wire) around your trees if your site is a feeding ground for rabbits, deer, or other wildlife.